People have been clamouring for Apple to finally ditch the 16GB iPhone. Because let’s face it, its 2016 and 16 gigabytes of memory just won’t cut it anymore. Maybe back in 2007 to 2011 it was still serviceable, but with technology increasing its quality, camera phone’s getting sharper and music files getting bigger, it makes people demand for better memory making the 16GB model pretty much useless. Just the iOS alone racks up most of the space, leaving you with maybe just around 12 gigabytes to play with. But hey, if Apple won’t solve this problem, someone would. Actually, someone already did because SanDisk just released the iXpand Memory Case. Basically, it’s an iPhone case that not only protects your precious iPhone, but also increases its memory, eliminating shortage problems. According to The Verge, the iXpand Memory Case attaches itself to the iPhone via its Lightning port and can be used just by downloading its companion app, which will then automati...
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