Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra are engaged following a whirlwind, two-month romance. It’s the latest celebrity trend. The pop star and former “Quantico” actress follow in the footsteps of recently engaged Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson, and Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin. All three couples dated for just weeks before before deciding they were ready to settle down, although Bieber and Baldwin had dated previously before their recent reunion. Now the race is on. Which couple gets to the altar first? Jonas and Chopra made it official in London last week as they celebrated Chopra’s 36th birthday, according to the People. Jonas, 25, reportedly shut down a Tiffany & Co. store in search of the perfect rock. “His friends and family have never seen him like this, and they’re all really excited for him,” a source told People. “He’s definitely very serious about her.” The pair met through mutual friend Graham Rogers, Chopra’s co-star on ABC’s recent...
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