Giloy (Tinospora cardi folia):-
Giloy is called "Immortal Herb" in Ayurveda. If people have it on the daily basis when the stomach is empty then they will not have any sort of fever and their digestion system will become so stronger. This not only prevents fever but also makes your immunity more powerful and it also makes your body protect from Diabetes, those who have it they don't have sugar and anemia problems. Giloy is mostly used in mid and south part of India that is why maximum people from these places don't have any sort of illness.
Cancer Therapy-: Giloy is also used in cancer therapy anyone can use its stem part and just grind it then make its boil for a while in water then have it on the daily basis this will cure your cancer gradually.
Giloy also helpful for the patients of jaundice, because it makes your immune system stronger and purifies your blood along with this it also helps in producing blood RBC which helps in protecting your body from jaundice.
Wrinkle Free Skin -: Giloy also beautifies you by removing wrinkles on your face. You can grind its leaves and stem as powder now you can mix it with water, this paste can be used by you on the face this will clear your wrinkles permanently for long life.
Flax Seeds(Alsi in Ayurveda)-: This another important herb which can found in everyone's house easily.
Flax seeds contain soluble fiber which reduces chances of heart attack in heart patients. It is also helpful for protecting you from breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer because in these seeds "lignans" are there for protection. Because of omega-3 it helps in blood circulation and doesn't get blood frozen in your body.
It also helps to get the glow on your skin, it actually regenerates your dead cells of your skin. With the presence of antioxidants, it always makes your skin tight and you don't have any wrinkle for a long time.
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