- Yoga and Ayurveda can make your body immune naturally.
- Some yoga moves improves your blood circulation .
Today one of the biggest challenges to all countries is soaring medical costs, which now consume a significant portion of the budget of both countries and families. The predominant drug based medicines are failing to produce positive health or to handle chronic diseases like diabetes, arthritis and heart disease.
From the standpoint of Yoga and Ayurveda we would not say that such drug based medicine is wrong or unnecessary, but it should not be the first line of treatment. It should only come in when natural therapies have been unable to work. First we should look at dietary changes, herbs, life-style changes, Yoga and meditation to improve our health. Much of this is preventative but it can also promote a deeper level of treatment, particularly for chronic diseases and psychological conditions that are plaguing many people in our stress filled way of life. (Baddha Konasana) with a Gentle Backbend-
Benefit: This pose opens the abdominal area to allow room for the digestive organs while supporting the spine.

Benefit: This pose opens the abdominal area as well as massages the digestive organs.

For bodies having vatta(Gastric) problems-:
Vata’s dryness is offset by eating cooked rather than raw foods, by cooking and garnishing foods with generous amounts of high-quality oils or ghee, and by staying hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids, ideally warm or hot—but no cooler than room temperature. In addition, moist foods like berries, melons, summer squash, zucchini, and yogurt help to offset vata’s dry quality, as do hydrating preparations such as soups and stews. Oily foods like avocado, coconut, olives, buttermilk, cheese, eggs, whole milk (preferably non-homogenized), wheat, nuts, and seeds are generally supportive as well. Do your best to minimize exceptionally drying foods like popcorn, crackers, white potatoes, beans, and dried fruits.
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